Radix cross Linux 3pp sources

RcL sources – is a tree of Third Party and Radix source tarballs

343 Commits   0 Branches   0 Tags
author: kx <kx@radix.pro> 2023-05-25 14:07:01 +0300 committer: kx <kx@radix.pro> 2023-05-25 14:07:01 +0300 commit: e0d5c2c4092e4cb8cb5a7435d2bd483be5897c2b parent: d26f020ca0d2c95f5b78035eaeaa1cca1fc58d7c
Commit Summary:
hyphen; libmanette
4 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/GNOME/core/Makefile b/GNOME/core/Makefile
index 251664a..72717c5 100644
--- a/GNOME/core/Makefile
+++ b/GNOME/core/Makefile
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ SUBDIRS := GConf                          \
            libgudev                       \
            libgweather                    \
            libgxps                        \
+           libmanette                     \
            libmediaart                    \
            libnma                         \
            libnotify                      \
diff --git a/GNOME/core/libmanette/Makefile b/GNOME/core/libmanette/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44d22db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GNOME/core/libmanette/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Project Home:
+# ============
+# https://www.gnome.org
+# Repository browse: https://git.gnome.org/browse/libgtop
+# Downloads:
+# =========
+# ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources
+# https://download.gnome.org/sources
+url       = https://download.gnome.org/sources
+versions  = 0.2.6
+pkg_name  = libmanette
+arch_type = tar.xz
+suffixes  = $(arch_type)
+files     = $(foreach suffix, $(suffixes), $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkg_name)-, $(versions))))
+tarballs  = $(addsuffix .$(arch_type), $(addprefix $(pkg_name)-, $(versions)))
+sha1s     = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs))
+all: $(files) $(sha1s)
+.PHONY: downloads_clean
+	@echo -e "\n======= Downloading '$(pkg_name)' sourses =======\n"
+	@for version in $(versions) ; do \
+	  major_minor=`echo $$version | sed 's/\([0-9][.0-9][0-9]*\)\([\.].*\)/\1/'` ; \
+	  for suffix in $(suffixes) ; do \
+	    wget -N $(url)/$(pkg_name)/$$major_minor/$(pkg_name)-$$version.$$suffix ;  \
+	  done ; \
+	done
+$(sha1s): %.$(arch_type).sha1sum : %.$(arch_type)
+	@for tarball in $< ; do \
+	  echo -e "\n======= Calculation the '$$tarball' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	  sha1sum --binary $$tarball > $$tarball.sha1sum ; \
+	done
+	@rm -f $(files) $(sha1s)
diff --git a/packages/l/Makefile b/packages/l/Makefile
index 15b2708..19410cb 100644
--- a/packages/l/Makefile
+++ b/packages/l/Makefile
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ SUBDIRS := aalib               \
            hunspell            \
            hwids               \
            hwloc               \
+           hyphen              \
            icu4c               \
            ieee1394            \
            ijs                 \
diff --git a/packages/l/hyphen/Makefile b/packages/l/hyphen/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaeddad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/l/hyphen/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Project Home:
+# ============
+#   https://sourceforge.net/projects/hunspell
+# Downloads:
+# =========
+#   https://sourceforge.net/projects/hunspell/files/Hyphen/2.8/hyphen-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+url         = https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/hunspell/Hyphen
+versions    = 2.8.8
+pkgname     = hyphen
+suffix      = tar.gz
+tarballs    = $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkgname)-, $(versions)))
+sha1s       = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs))
+all: $(tarballs) $(sha1s)
+.PHONY: downloads_clean
+	@echo -e "\n======= Downloading source tarballs =======\n"
+	@for tarball in $(tarballs) ; do \
+	  version=`echo $$tarball | sed 's/\([a-zA-Z-]*\)\([0-9][.][0-9]\)\(\..*\)/\2/'` ; \
+	  wget -N $(url)/$$version/$$tarball ; \
+	done
+$(sha1s): %.$(suffix).sha1sum : %.$(suffix)
+	@for tarball in $< ; do \
+	  echo -e "\n======= Calculation the '$$tarball' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	  sha1sum --binary $$tarball > $$tarball.sha1sum ; \
+	done
+	@rm -rf $(tarballs) $(sha1s)