Radix cross Linux 3pp sources

RcL sources – is a tree of Third Party and Radix source tarballs

343 Commits   0 Branches   0 Tags
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  1) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  2) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  3) The Tree of Radix and Third Party Sources
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  4) =========================================
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  5) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  6) Simply clone this repository on your own **FTP** server and make your mirror
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  7) of third party sources to speed up downloads using your local FTP instead of
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  8) downloading from remote Internet resources before building your packages.
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300  9) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 10) Also you can create your own mirrors of frequently used 3pp repositories
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 11) to speed up the taking snapshots process [in the same way as we do](https://git.radix.pro/).
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 12) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 13) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 14) Creators
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 15) --------
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 16) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 17) **Andrey V. Kosteltsev**
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 18) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 19) * <https://vk.com/a.kosteltsev>
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 20) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 21) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 22) Copyright and license
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 23) ---------------------
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 24) 
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 25) Code and documentation copyright 2009-2023 Andrey V. Kosteltsev.
a0610b8d (kx 2023-03-23 23:36:49 +0300 26) Code and documentation released under [the MIT License](LICENSE).