cGit-UI for Git Repositories

cGit-UI – is a web interface for Git Repositories. cGit CGI script is writen in C and therefore it's fast enough

3 Commits   0 Branches   1 Tag

#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>   /* offsetof(3) */
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* chmod(2)    */
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>   /* strdup(3)   */
#include <libgen.h>   /* basename(3) */
#include <ctype.h>    /* tolower(3)  */
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <git2.h>

#include <nls.h>

#include <defs.h>

#include <fatal.h>
#include <http.h>
#include <html.h>

#include <dlist.h>
#include <strbuf.h>
#include <repolist.h>
#include <wrapper.h>
#include <system.h>
#include <date.h>

#include <ctx.h>
#include <git-shared.h>
#include <ui-shared.h>

void cgit_change_location( const char *location )
  if( ctx.env.no_http && !strcmp( ctx.env.no_http, "1" ) )

  htmlf( "Status: %d %s\n", 302, "Found" );
  htmlf( "Location: %s\n", location );
  html( "\n" );

  exit( 0 );

void cgit_print_http_headers( void )
  if( ctx.env.no_http && !strcmp( ctx.env.no_http, "1" ) )

    If we pass 'Status: 200 OK' header then nginx+uWsgi
    will duplicate other headers randomly 
  if( != 200 )
    htmlf( "Status: %d %s\n",, );

  if( && )
    htmlf( "Content-Type: %s; charset=%s\n",, );
  else if( )
    htmlf( "Content-Type: %s\n", );

  if( )
    htmlf( "Content-Length: %zd\n", );

  if( !ctx.env.authenticated )
    html( "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\n" );

  htmlf( "Last-Modified: %s\n", http_date( ) );
  htmlf( "Expires: %s\n", http_date( ) );

  html( "\n" );

const struct date_mode *cgit_date_mode( enum date_mode_type type )
  static struct date_mode mode;
  mode.type = type;
  mode.local = 0; /* may be from ctx.cfg.local_time; =0/1 */
  return &mode;
/* OR data_mode_from_type():
   struct date_mode *mode = DATE_MODE( DATE_ISO8601 );
   but in this case mode.local is always zero!

static void print_rel_date( struct strbuf *sb, time_t t, int tz,
                            const char *class, const char *value )
  if( !sb || !t ) return;

  strbuf_addf( sb, "<span class='%s' title='", class );
  show_date( sb, t, tz, cgit_date_mode( DATE_ISO8601 ) );
  strbuf_addf( sb, "'>%s</span>", value );

void cgit_print_age( struct strbuf *sb, time_t t, int tz, time_t max_relative )
  time_t now, secs;
  char buf[32] = { 0 };
  size_t val;

  if( !sb || !t ) return;

  now = time( NULL );
  secs = now - t;
  if( secs < 0 )
    secs = 0;

  if( secs > max_relative && max_relative >= 0 )

    strbuf_addstr( sb, "<span title='" );
    show_date( sb, t, tz, cgit_date_mode( DATE_ISO8601 ) );
    strbuf_addstr( sb, "'>" );
    show_date( sb, t, tz, cgit_date_mode( DATE_SHORT ) );
    strbuf_addstr( sb, "</span>" );

  if( secs < TM_HOUR * 2 )
    val = (size_t)round(secs * 1.0 / TM_MIN);
    snprintf( (char *)&buf[0], 32, Q_("%"PRIdMAX" minute", "%"PRIdMAX" minutes", val), val );
    print_rel_date( sb, t, tz, "age-mins", (const char *)&buf[0] );
  if( secs < TM_DAY * 2 )
    val = (size_t)round(secs * 1.0 / TM_HOUR);
    snprintf( (char *)&buf[0], 32, Q_("%"PRIdMAX" hour", "%"PRIdMAX" hours", val), val );
    print_rel_date( sb, t, tz, "age-hours", (const char *)&buf[0] );
  if( secs < TM_WEEK * 2 )
    val = (size_t)round(secs * 1.0 / TM_DAY);
    snprintf( (char *)&buf[0], 32, Q_("%"PRIdMAX" day", "%"PRIdMAX" days", val), val );
    print_rel_date( sb, t, tz, "age-days", (const char *)&buf[0] );
  if( secs < TM_MONTH * 2 )
    val = (size_t)round(secs * 1.0 / TM_WEEK);
    snprintf( (char *)&buf[0], 32, Q_("%"PRIdMAX" week", "%"PRIdMAX" weeks", val), val );
    print_rel_date( sb, t, tz, "age-weeks", (const char *)&buf[0] );
  if( secs < TM_YEAR * 2 )
    val = (size_t)round(secs * 1.0 / TM_MONTH);
    snprintf( (char *)&buf[0], 32, Q_("%"PRIdMAX" month", "%"PRIdMAX" months", val), val );
    print_rel_date( sb, t, tz, "age-months", (const char *)&buf[0] );

  val = (size_t)round(secs * 1.0 / TM_YEAR);
  snprintf( (char *)&buf[0], 32, Q_("%"PRIdMAX" year", "%"PRIdMAX" years", val), val );
  print_rel_date( sb, t, tz, "age-years", (const char *)&buf[0] );

void cgit_search_repo( const char *path )
  struct repo *repo = NULL;

  if( !path || !*path ) return;

  repo = lookup_repo( config, path );
  if( repo )
    int position = repo_position( config, repo );
    if( position != -1 )
      char location[1024] = { 0 };

      sprintf( (char *)&location[0], "/?ofs=%d", position );
      cgit_change_location( (const char *)&location[0] );

void cgit_repo_info( struct cgit_info *info, const char *revision )
  const char *name = NULL, *git_root = NULL, *repo_root = NULL;

  if( !info ) return;

  name      =;
  git_root  = ctx.repo.git_root;
  repo_root = ctx.repo.repo_root;

  if( name && git_root )
    char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    char cmd[PATH_MAX];
    struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
    pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
    int   rc;

    sprintf( (char *)&path[0], "%s/", git_root );
    if( repo_root && *repo_root )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], repo_root );
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], name );

    if( !is_bare( (char *)&path[0] ) )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/.git" );

    if( revision && *revision )
      snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --git-dir=%s log --pretty=format:'%%H' -1 %s 2>/dev/null", (char *)&path[0], revision );
      snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --git-dir=%s log --pretty=format:'%%H' -1 refs/heads/%s 2>/dev/null", (char *)&path[0], ctx.repo.trunk );
    p = sys_exec_command( &buf, cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, NULL );
    if( rc != 0 )
      strbuf_release( &buf );

    if( buf.buf[0] )
      strbuf_trim( &buf );
      strncpy( info->revision, buf.buf, GIT_OID_HEXSZ+1 );
      fill_commit_info( info, (const char *)&path[0], NULL );

    strbuf_release( &buf );


static const char *lang_info_by_path( const char *path )
  char *lang = NULL, *name = NULL, *ext = NULL;

  if( !path || !*path ) return (const char *)lang;

  ext = rindex( path, '.' );
  if( ext )
    if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".mk", 3 )       ||
        !strncasecmp( ext, ".make", 5 )     ||
        !strncasecmp( ext, ".Makefile", 9 )   )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 9 );
      sprintf( lang, "Makefile" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".md", 3 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 9 );
      sprintf( lang, "Markdown" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".diff", 5 ) ||
             !strncasecmp( ext, ".patch", 6 )  )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 9 );
      sprintf( lang, "Diff" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".c", 2 ) ||
             !strncasecmp( ext, ".h", 2 )   )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 2 );
      sprintf( lang, "C" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".cpp", 4 ) ||
             !strncasecmp( ext, ".cxx", 4 ) ||
             !strncasecmp( ext, ".hpp", 4 )   )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 4 );
      sprintf( lang, "C++" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".html", 5 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "HTML" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".css", 4 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 4 );
      sprintf( lang, "CSS" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".js", 3 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 11 );
      sprintf( lang, "javascript" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".json", 5 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "JSON" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".less", 5 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "LESS" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".scss", 5 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "SCSS" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".pl", 3 ) ||
             !strncasecmp( ext, ".pm", 3 )   )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "Perl" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".py", 3 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 7 );
      sprintf( lang, "Python" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".php", 4 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 4 );
      sprintf( lang, "PHP" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".txt", 4 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 10 );
      sprintf( lang, "plaintext" );
    else if( !strncasecmp( ext, ".go", 3 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 3 );
      sprintf( lang, "Go" );

  name = rindex( path, '/' );
  if( name )
    name = (char *)path;

  if( name )
    if( !strncasecmp( name, "Makefile", 8 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 9 );
      sprintf( lang, "Makefile" );
    else if( !strcasecmp( name, "README" ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 10 );
      sprintf( lang, "Plaintext" );
    else if( !strcasecmp( name, "LICENSE" ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 10 );
      sprintf( lang, "Plaintext" );

    all chances are exhausted. probably highlight.js do it correctly...
  if( !lang )
    lang = (char *)__sbrk( 10 );
    sprintf( lang, "plaintext" );

  return (const char *)lang;

static const char *lang_info( const char *mime_type, const char *path )
  char *lang = NULL;

  if( !mime_type ) return (const char *)lang;

  if( !strncmp( mime_type, "text/", 5 ) )
    if( !strncmp( mime_type, "text/x-c", 8 ) || !strncmp( mime_type, "text/x-csrc", 11 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 2 );
      sprintf( lang, "C" );
    else if( !strncmp( mime_type, "text/x-perl", 11 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "Perl" );
    else if( !strncmp( mime_type, "text/x-diff", 11 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "Diff" );
    else if( !strncmp( mime_type, "text/x-makefile", 15 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 9 );
      sprintf( lang, "Makefile" );
    else if( !strncmp( mime_type, "text/x-shell", 12 ) )
      lang = (char *)__sbrk( 5 );
      sprintf( lang, "Bash" );

      The 'text/plain;' mime type does not mean that the file contains plain text.
      But we have to identify the language:
    if( !lang && path )
      /* Here we can make lang identification by filename or extension */
      lang = (char *)lang_info_by_path( path );

  return (const char *)lang;

void cgit_rpath_info( struct cgit_info *info, const char *relative_path, const char *revision )
  const char *name = NULL, *git_root = NULL, *repo_root = NULL;

  if( !info || !relative_path ) return;

  name      =;
  git_root  = ctx.repo.git_root;
  repo_root = ctx.repo.repo_root;

  if( name && git_root )
    char ref[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    char rpath[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };

    char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    char cmd[PATH_MAX];
    struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
    pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
    int   rc;

    sprintf( (char *)&path[0], "%s/", git_root );
    if( repo_root && *repo_root )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], repo_root );
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], name );

    if( !is_bare( (char *)&path[0] ) )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/.git" );

    parse_relative_path( (char *)&ref[0], (char *)&rpath[0], relative_path );

    if( revision && *revision )
      snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --git-dir=%s log --pretty=format:'%%H' -1 %s -- %s 2>/dev/null", (char *)&path[0], revision, (char *)&rpath[0] );
      snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --git-dir=%s log --pretty=format:'%%H' -1 %s -- %s 2>/dev/null", (char *)&path[0], (char *)&ref[0], (char *)&rpath[0] );
    p = sys_exec_command( &buf, cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, NULL );
    if( rc != 0 )
      strbuf_release( &buf );

    if( buf.buf[0] )
      strbuf_trim( &buf );
      strncpy( info->revision, buf.buf, GIT_OID_HEXSZ+1 );
      fill_commit_info( info, (const char *)&path[0], (const char *)&rpath[0] );
      if( info->kind == GIT_OBJECT_BLOB )
        fill_mime_info( info, (const char *)&path[0], (const char *)&rpath[0] );
        if( info->mode == GIT_FILEMODE_LINK )
          int len = 10;
          char *lang = (char *)__sbrk( len );
          memcpy( (void *)lang, (const void *)"PlainText", len );
          info->lang = (const char *)lang;
          info->lang = lang_info( (const char *)(info->mime), (const char *)&rpath[0] );

    strbuf_release( &buf );


void cgit_repo_branches_number( struct cgit_repository *rctx )
  const char *name = NULL, *git_root = NULL, *repo_root = NULL, *trunk = NULL;

  if( !rctx ) return;

  name      = rctx->name;
  git_root  = rctx->git_root;
  repo_root = rctx->repo_root;
  trunk     = rctx->trunk;

  if( name && git_root )
    char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    sprintf( (char *)&path[0], "%s/", git_root );
    if( repo_root && *repo_root )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], repo_root );
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], name );

    if( trunk && *trunk )
      rctx->nbranches = (int)branches_number( (const char *)&path[0], trunk );
      rctx->nbranches = (int)branches_number( (const char *)&path[0], NULL );

void cgit_repo_tags_number( struct cgit_repository *rctx )
  const char *name = NULL, *git_root = NULL, *repo_root = NULL;

  if( !rctx ) return;

  name      = rctx->name;
  git_root  = rctx->git_root;
  repo_root = rctx->repo_root;

  if( name && git_root )
    char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    sprintf( (char *)&path[0], "%s/", git_root );
    if( repo_root && *repo_root )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], repo_root );
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], name );

    rctx->ntags = (int)tags_number( (const char *)&path[0] );

void cgit_repo_commits_number( struct cgit_repository *rctx )
  const char *name = NULL, *git_root = NULL, *repo_root = NULL;

  if( !rctx ) return;

  name      = rctx->name;
  git_root  = rctx->git_root;
  repo_root = rctx->repo_root;

  if( name && git_root )
    char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    char cmd[PATH_MAX];
    struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
    pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
    int   rc;

    sprintf( (char *)&path[0], "%s/", git_root );
    if( repo_root && *repo_root )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], repo_root );
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], name );

    if( !is_bare( (char *)&path[0] ) )
      strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/.git" );

    /* all commits in repo:
       snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --git-dir=%s rev-list -9999 --all --count 2>/dev/null", (char *)&path[0] );
    snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --git-dir=%s rev-list -9999 HEAD^{commit} --count 2>/dev/null", (char *)&path[0] );
    p = sys_exec_command( &buf, cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, NULL );
    if( rc != 0 )
      strbuf_release( &buf );

    if( buf.buf[0] )
      strbuf_trim( &buf );
      rctx->ncommits = atoi( buf.buf );

    strbuf_release( &buf );

void cgit_git_version( struct cgit_versions *vctx )
  char cmd[1024];
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  char *version = NULL;
  int   len = 0;

  if( !vctx ) return;

  snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "git --version 2>/dev/null | cut -f3 -d' '" );
  p = sys_exec_command( &buf, cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, NULL );
  if( rc != 0 )
    strbuf_release( &buf );

  if( buf.buf[0] )
    strbuf_trim( &buf );

    len = (int)strlen( buf.buf ) + 1;
    version = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)version, (const void *)buf.buf, (size_t)len );
    vctx->git = (const char *)version;

  strbuf_release( &buf );


void cgit_nginx_version( struct cgit_versions *vctx )
  char cmd[1024];
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  char *version = NULL;
  int   len = 0;

  if( !vctx ) return;

  snprintf( (char *)&cmd[0], 1024, "nginx -v 2>&1 | cut -f2 -d'/'" );
  p = sys_exec_command( &buf, cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, NULL );
  if( rc != 0 )
    strbuf_release( &buf );

  if( buf.buf[0] )
    strbuf_trim( &buf );

    len = (int)strlen( buf.buf ) + 1;
    version = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)version, (const void *)buf.buf, (size_t)len );
    vctx->nginx = (const char *)version;

  strbuf_release( &buf );


void cgit_print_404_page( void )
  FILE  *fp;
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;

  fp = xfopen(, "r" );
  (void)strbuf_env_fread( &buf, fp );
  fclose( fp );

  strbuf_addf( &buf, "        <div class=\"content segment\">\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "          <div class=\"container\">\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "            <div class=\"cgit-main-content\">\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "              <h1>Requested resource not found</h1>\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "              <p class='leading'>Please check the requested URL or try again later.</p>\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "            </div> <!-- End of cgit-main-content -->\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "          </div> <!-- End of container -->\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "        </div> <!-- End of content segment -->\n" );

  fp = xfopen(, "r" );
  (void)strbuf_env_fread( &buf, fp );
  fclose( fp ); = buf.len;
  strbuf_write( &buf, STDOUT_FILENO );
  strbuf_release( &buf );

void cgit_print_raw_file( struct strbuf *sb, const char *mime )
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
  char *p = (char *)mime;

  char *http_format = "Date: %s\n"
                      "Content-Type: %s\n"
                      "Content-Length: %ld\n\n";

  if( !sb || !mime ) return;

  while( *p && *p != ';' ) ++p;
  if( *p ) *p = '\0';

  strbuf_addf( &buf, http_format, http_date( time(NULL) ), mime, sb->len );
  strbuf_addbuf( &buf, (const struct strbuf *)sb );
  strbuf_write( &buf, STDOUT_FILENO );
  strbuf_release( &buf );

  exit( 0 );