cScm Configuration Daemon

cScm – is a tool to convert SCM configuration files into binary format and store its in shared memory for reading by cSvn-ui and cGit-ui CGI scripts

2 Commits   0 Branches   1 Tag
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  1) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  2) #ifndef    __DEFS_H
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  3) #define    __DEFS_H
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  4) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  5) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  6) #ifndef TRUE
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  7) #define TRUE 1
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  8) #endif
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300  9) #ifndef FALSE
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 10) #define FALSE 0
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 11) #endif
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 12) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 13) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 14) #ifdef __cplusplus
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 15) extern "C" {
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 16) #endif
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 17) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 18) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 19) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 20) #ifdef __cplusplus
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 21) }
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 22) #endif
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 23) 
12c7b1c5 (kx 2023-03-24 02:53:04 +0300 24) #endif  /* __DEFS_H */