cSvn-UI for SVN Repositories

cGit-UI – is a web interface for Subversion (SVN) Repositories. cSvn CGI script is writen in C and therefore it's fast enough

6 Commits   0 Branches   2 Tags

#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>   /* offsetof(3)   */
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* chmod(2)      */
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>   /* strdup(3)     */
#include <strings.h>  /* strcasecmp(3) */
#include <libgen.h>   /* basename(3)   */
#include <ctype.h>    /* tolower(3)    */
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <nls.h>

#include <defs.h>

#include <fatal.h>
#include <http.h>
#include <html.h>

#include <dlist.h>
#include <strbuf.h>
#include <repolist.h>
#include <wrapper.h>
#include <system.h>
#include <date.h>

#include <ctx.h>

#include <ui-shared.h>

/* Allocate memory in .bss segment: */
static struct __context mctx;

/* Share address of __context: */
struct __context *pmctx = &mctx;

void __mctx_init( void )
  pmctx->_cur_brk = (void *)&((pmctx->_mem)[0]);

static int
__brk( void *end_d )
  void *ptr = __mem;

  if( (unsigned char *)end_d < (unsigned char *)ptr ||
      (unsigned char *)end_d > (unsigned char *)ptr + CONTEXT_MEM_SIZE )
    errno = ENOMEM;
    return( -1 );

   __cur_brk = (unsigned char *)end_d;

   Функция  __brk()  лишь проверяет границы
   области памяти, значение __cur_brk выставляется
   в __sbrk() .

  return( 0 );

} /* End of __brk() */

void *
__sbrk( int incr )
  void         *ptr = __cur_brk;
  register int  rc;

  if( incr == 0 ) return( ptr );

  rc = __brk( ptr + incr );
  if( rc == -1 )
    /* errno is set into __brk() */
    return( (void *)0 );

  __cur_brk = ((unsigned char *)ptr) + (int)incr;

  return( ptr );

} /* End of __sbrk() */

struct csvn_context ctx;

const char *ptype_repolist   = "repolist";
const char *ptype_repo       = "repo";

void csvn_prepare_context( void )
  memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx) );

  ctx.env.http_host = getenv("HTTP_HOST");
  ctx.env.https = getenv("HTTPS");
  ctx.env.no_http = getenv("NO_HTTP");
  ctx.env.path_info = getenv("PATH_INFO");
  ctx.env.query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
  ctx.env.request_uri = getenv("REQUEST_URI");

  if( ctx.env.request_uri == NULL )
    ctx.env.request_uri = "/";

  ctx.env.request_scheme = getenv("REQUEST_SCHEME");
  ctx.env.request_method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
  ctx.env.script_name = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
  ctx.env.server_name = getenv("SERVER_NAME");
  ctx.env.server_port = getenv("SERVER_PORT");
  ctx.env.http_cookie = getenv("HTTP_COOKIE");
  ctx.env.content_lenght = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") ? strtoul(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"), NULL, 10) : 0;
  ctx.env.http_root = NULL;
  ctx.env.authenticated = 0;

  ctx.query.ofs = 0;
  ctx.query.rev = 0;
  ctx.query.revision = NULL;
  ctx.query.operation = NULL;
  ctx.query.search = NULL;

  ctx.page.mimetype = "text/html";
  ctx.page.charset = "UTF-8";
  ctx.page.size = 0;
  ctx.page.modified = time(NULL);
  ctx.page.expires = ctx.page.modified + 5 * 60;
  ctx.page.status = 200;
  ctx.page.status_message = "OK";
  ctx.page.header = "/.csvn/html/header.html";
  ctx.page.footer = "/.csvn/html/footer.html";

  ctx.vars.css = "/.csvn/css/csvn.css";
  ctx.vars.owner = "Andrey V.Kosteltsev";
  ctx.vars.author = "Andrey V.Kosteltsev";
  ctx.vars.description = "Subversion repositories hosted at Solar System, Earth";
  ctx.vars.keywords = "cSvn repositories";
  ctx.vars.title = "SVN Repositories";
  ctx.vars.favicon_path = "/.csvn/pixmaps/favicon";
  ctx.vars.syntax_highlight_css = "_csvn.css";
  ctx.vars.logo = "/.csvn/pixmaps/csvn-banner-280x280.png";
  ctx.vars.logo_alt = "Example.org";
  ctx.vars.logo_link = "https://example.org";
  ctx.vars.home_page = "https://example.org";
  ctx.vars.snapshots = "tar.xz";
  ctx.vars.status_line = "Subversion Repositories";
  ctx.vars.main_menu_logo = "/.csvn/pixmaps/logo/SVN-logo-white-744x744.svg";
  ctx.vars.main_menu_item = "<a href='/'>Index</a>";
  ctx.vars.left_menu_items = "";
  ctx.vars.popup_menu_items = "<div class='item'><span class='icon las la-home'></span><a href='https://example.org/' target='_blank'>Home page</a></div>";
  ctx.vars.right_menu_items = "<div class='item'><a href='https://example.org/' target='_blank'>Home page</a></div>";
  ctx.vars.copyright_notice = "By using any website materials you agree to indicate source.";
  ctx.vars.copyright = "&#169; 2020 Andrey V.Kosteltsev. All Rights Reserved.";
  ctx.vars.page_type = ptype_repolist;
  ctx.vars.page_size = "200";
  ctx.vars.num_of_repos = "0";

  ctx.repo.name = NULL;
  ctx.repo.info = CSVN_INFO_INIT;
  ctx.repo.repo_root = NULL;
  ctx.repo.relative_path = NULL;
  ctx.repo.relative_info = CSVN_INFO_INIT;
  ctx.repo.relative_html = NULL;
  ctx.repo.relative_href = "/";
  ctx.repo.search_placeholder = "repository...";
  ctx.repo.trunk = "trunk";
  ctx.repo.branches = "branches";
  ctx.repo.tags = "tags";
  ctx.repo.checkout_prefix = NULL;
  ctx.repo.checkout_ro_prefix = NULL;
  ctx.repo.nbranches = 0;
  ctx.repo.ntags = 0;

  ctx.promo.analytic_links   = NULL;
  ctx.promo.analytic_scripts = NULL;
  ctx.promo.donate           = 0;
  ctx.promo.donate_css       = NULL;
  ctx.promo.donate_html      = NULL;
  ctx.promo.donate_js        = NULL;
  ctx.promo.donate_header    = NULL;
  ctx.promo.donate_purpose   = NULL;

  ctx.vers.subversion = NULL;
  ctx.vers.nginx = NULL;
  ctx.vers.csvn = PROGRAM_VERSION;

void csvn_prepare_template_variables( void )
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "css", ctx.vars.css, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "owner", ctx.vars.owner, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "author", ctx.vars.author, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "description", ctx.vars.description, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "keywords", ctx.vars.keywords, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "title", ctx.vars.title, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "favicon-path", ctx.vars.favicon_path, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "syntax-highlight-css", ctx.vars.syntax_highlight_css, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "logo", ctx.vars.logo, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "logo-alt", ctx.vars.logo_alt, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "logo-link", ctx.vars.logo_link, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "home-page", ctx.vars.home_page, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "snapshots", ctx.vars.snapshots, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "status-line", ctx.vars.status_line, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "main-menu-logo", ctx.vars.main_menu_logo, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "main-menu-item", ctx.vars.main_menu_item, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "left-menu-items", ctx.vars.left_menu_items, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "popup-menu-items", ctx.vars.popup_menu_items, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "right-menu-items", ctx.vars.right_menu_items, fatal_html );

  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "relative-html", ctx.repo.relative_html, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "search-placeholder", ctx.repo.search_placeholder, fatal_html );

  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "analytic-links", ctx.promo.analytic_links, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "analytic-scripts", ctx.promo.analytic_scripts, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-css", ctx.promo.donate_css, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-html", ctx.promo.donate_html, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-js", ctx.promo.donate_js, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-header", ctx.promo.donate_header, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-purpose", ctx.promo.donate_purpose, fatal_html );

  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "svn-version", ctx.vers.subversion, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "nginx-version", ctx.vers.nginx, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "csvn-version", ctx.vers.csvn, fatal_html );

  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "copyright-notice", ctx.vars.copyright_notice, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "copyright", ctx.vars.copyright, fatal_html );

  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "page-type", ctx.vars.page_type, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "page-size", ctx.vars.page_size, fatal_html );
  envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "num-of-repos", ctx.vars.num_of_repos, fatal_html );

void csvn_release_template_variables( void )
  envtab_release( &strbuf_envtab );

static void get_selfdir( void )
  char    path[PATH_MAX];
  ssize_t len;

  bzero( (void *)path, PATH_MAX );

  len = readlink( "/proc/self/exe", &path[0], (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( len > 0 && len < PATH_MAX )
    char *selfdir = NULL;

    selfdir = (char *)__sbrk( (int)len + 1 );
    strcpy( selfdir, (const char *)dirname( (char *)&path[0] ) );
    ctx.env.http_root = selfdir;
    fatal_html( "cannot get selfdir" );

static size_t read_http_root_raw_file( struct strbuf *sb, const char *fname )
  char    path[PATH_MAX];
  int     fd = -1;
  size_t  len = 0;

  if( !sb || !fname || !*fname ) return len;

  bzero( (void *)path, PATH_MAX );
  strcpy( (char *)&path[0], ctx.env.http_root );
  if( *fname != '/' )
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );

  strcat( (char *)&path[0], fname );

  if( (fd = open( (const char *)&path[0], O_RDONLY )) == -1 )
   fatal_html( "Cannot open %s file: %s", fname, strerror( errno ) );

  len = strbuf_read( sb, fd, 0 );
  close( fd );

  return len;

static size_t read_http_root_env_file( struct strbuf *sb, const char *fname )
  char    path[PATH_MAX];
  FILE   *fp = NULL;
  size_t  len = 0;

  if( !sb || !fname || !*fname ) return len;

  bzero( (void *)path, PATH_MAX );
  strcpy( (char *)&path[0], ctx.env.http_root );
  if( *fname != '/' )
    strcat( (char *)&path[0], "/" );

  strcat( (char *)&path[0], fname );

  if( (fp = fopen( (const char *)&path[0], "r" )) == NULL )
   fatal_html( "Cannot open %s file: %s", fname, strerror( errno ) );

  len = strbuf_env_fread( sb, fp );
  fclose( fp );

  if( len > STRBUF_MAXLINE )
    fatal_html( "The '%s' file is too large. No more than 8192 bytes is allowed for includes", fname );

  return len;

static void read_donate_html( void )
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
  char  *html = NULL;

  if( !ctx.promo.donate ) return;
  if( !ctx.promo.donate_html || !*ctx.promo.donate_html ) return;

  (void)read_http_root_env_file( &buf, ctx.promo.donate_html );

  html = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)html, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
  ctx.promo.donate_html = (const char *)html;
  strbuf_release( &buf );

static char psize[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

static void ctx_page_size_from_global( void )
  struct variable f = { (unsigned char *)"page-size", { 0 }, DT_NUMERICAL }, *var = NULL;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &f );
  if( var )
    if( var->type == DT_NUMERICAL )
      if( var->_v.val > 9 && var->_v.val < 201 )
        snprintf( &psize[0], 4, "%d", var->_v.val );
        snprintf( &psize[0], 4, "%d", 200 );
      ctx.vars.page_size = &psize[0];
      int size = 0;
      sscanf( (const char *)var->_v.vptr, "%d", &size );
      if( size > 9 && size < 201 )
        ctx.vars.page_size = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
        snprintf( &psize[0], 4, "%d", 200 );
        ctx.vars.page_size = &psize[0];

static void ctx_page_size_from_repo( struct repo *repo )
  struct variable f = { (unsigned char *)"page-size", { 0 }, DT_NUMERICAL }, *var = NULL;
  var = lookup( repo, &f );
  if( var )
    if( var->type == DT_NUMERICAL )
      if( var->_v.val > 9 && var->_v.val < 201 )
        snprintf( &psize[0], 4, "%d", var->_v.val );
        snprintf( &psize[0], 4, "%d", 200 );
      ctx.vars.page_size = &psize[0];
      int size = 0;
      sscanf( (const char *)var->_v.vptr, "%d", &size );
      if( size > 9 && size < 201 )
        ctx.vars.page_size = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
        snprintf( &psize[0], 4, "%d", 200 );
        ctx.vars.page_size = &psize[0];

static void ctx_repo_dirs_from_global( void )
  struct variable  repo_root = { (unsigned char *)"repo-root", { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  trunk     = { (unsigned char *)"trunk",     { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  branches  = { (unsigned char *)"branches",  { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  tags      = { (unsigned char *)"tags",      { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  ro_prefix = { (unsigned char *)"checkout-prefix-readonly", { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  rw_prefix = { (unsigned char *)"checkout-prefix",          { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable *var = NULL;

  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &repo_root );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.repo_root = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &trunk );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.trunk = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &branches );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.branches = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &tags );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.tags = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &rw_prefix );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.checkout_prefix = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &ro_prefix );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.checkout_ro_prefix = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

static void ctx_site_vars_from_global( void )
  struct variable                   css = { (unsigned char *)"css",                  { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable                 owner = { (unsigned char *)"owner",                { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable                author = { (unsigned char *)"author",               { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable                 title = { (unsigned char *)"title",                { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable           description = { (unsigned char *)"description",          { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable              keywords = { (unsigned char *)"keywords",             { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable      copyright_notice = { (unsigned char *)"copyright-notice",     { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             copyright = { (unsigned char *)"copyright",            { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable          favicon_path = { (unsigned char *)"favicon-path",         { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable                  logo = { (unsigned char *)"logo",                 { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable              logo_alt = { (unsigned char *)"logo-alt",             { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             logo_link = { (unsigned char *)"logo-link",            { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             home_page = { (unsigned char *)"home-page",            { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             snapshots = { (unsigned char *)"snapshots",            { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable        main_menu_logo = { (unsigned char *)"main-menu-logo",       { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable  syntax_highlight_css = { (unsigned char *)"syntax-highlight-css", { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable *var = NULL;

  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &css );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.css = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &owner );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.owner = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &author );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.author = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &title );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.title = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &description );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.description = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &keywords );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.keywords = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &copyright_notice );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.copyright_notice = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &copyright );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.copyright = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &favicon_path );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.favicon_path = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &logo );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.logo = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &logo_alt );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.logo_alt = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &logo_link );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.logo_link = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &home_page );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.home_page = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &snapshots );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.snapshots = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &main_menu_logo );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.main_menu_logo = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &syntax_highlight_css );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.syntax_highlight_css = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

static void ctx_promo_vars_from_global( void )
  struct variable  analytic_links   = { (unsigned char *)"analytic-links",   { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  analytic_scripts = { (unsigned char *)"analytic-scripts", { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate           = { (unsigned char *)"donate",           { 0 }, DT_NUMERICAL };
  struct variable  donate_css       = { (unsigned char *)"donate-css",       { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate_html      = { (unsigned char *)"donate-html",      { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate_js        = { (unsigned char *)"donate-js",        { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate_header    = { (unsigned char *)"donate-header",    { 0 }, DT_STRING    };
  struct variable  donate_purpose   = { (unsigned char *)"donate-purpose",   { 0 }, DT_STRING    };
  struct variable *var = NULL;

  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &analytic_links );
  if( var )
    ctx.promo.analytic_links = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

    if( ctx.promo.analytic_links && *ctx.promo.analytic_links )
      struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
      char  *links = NULL;

      (void)read_http_root_raw_file( &buf, ctx.promo.analytic_links );

      links = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
      memcpy( (void *)links, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
      ctx.promo.analytic_links = (const char *)links;
      strbuf_release( &buf );
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &analytic_scripts );
  if( var )
    ctx.promo.analytic_scripts = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

    if( ctx.promo.analytic_scripts && *ctx.promo.analytic_scripts )
      struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
      char  *scripts = NULL;

      (void)read_http_root_raw_file( &buf, ctx.promo.analytic_scripts );

      scripts = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
      memcpy( (void *)scripts, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
      ctx.promo.analytic_scripts = (const char *)scripts;
      strbuf_release( &buf );

  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &donate );
  if( var )
    if( var->type == DT_NUMERICAL )
      ctx.promo.donate = var->_v.val;
      if( ctx.promo.donate )
        ctx.promo.donate = 1;

  if( ctx.promo.donate )
    var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &donate_css );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_css = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

      if( ctx.promo.donate_css && *ctx.promo.donate_css )
        struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
        char  *css = NULL;

        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\">", ctx.promo.donate_css );
        strbuf_trim( &buf );
        css = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
        memcpy( (void *)css, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
        ctx.promo.donate_css = (const char *)css;
        strbuf_release( &buf );
    var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &donate_js );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_js = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

      if( ctx.promo.donate_js && *ctx.promo.donate_js )
        struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
        char  *js = NULL;

        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<script src=\"%s\"></script>", ctx.promo.donate_js );
        strbuf_trim( &buf );
        js = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
        memcpy( (void *)js, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
        ctx.promo.donate_js = (const char *)js;
        strbuf_release( &buf );
    var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &donate_header );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_header = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
    var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &donate_purpose );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_purpose = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

    var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &donate_html );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_html = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

      if( ctx.promo.donate_html && *ctx.promo.donate_html )
        envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-header", ctx.promo.donate_header, fatal_html );
        envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-purpose", ctx.promo.donate_purpose, fatal_html );
        envtab_release( &strbuf_envtab );

static void ctx_repo_dirs_from_repo( struct repo *repo )
  struct variable  repo_root = { (unsigned char *)"repo-root", { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  trunk     = { (unsigned char *)"trunk",     { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  branches  = { (unsigned char *)"branches",  { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  tags      = { (unsigned char *)"tags",      { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  ro_prefix = { (unsigned char *)"checkout-prefix-readonly", { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable  rw_prefix = { (unsigned char *)"checkout-prefix",          { 0 }, DT_PATH };
  struct variable *var = NULL;

  if( !repo ) return;

  var = lookup( repo, &repo_root );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.repo_root = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &trunk );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.trunk = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &branches );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.branches = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &tags );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.tags = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &rw_prefix );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.checkout_prefix = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &ro_prefix );
  if( var )
    ctx.repo.checkout_ro_prefix = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

static void ctx_site_vars_from_repo( struct repo *repo )
  struct variable                   css = { (unsigned char *)"css",                  { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable                 owner = { (unsigned char *)"owner",                { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable                author = { (unsigned char *)"author",               { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable                 title = { (unsigned char *)"title",                { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable           description = { (unsigned char *)"description",          { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable              keywords = { (unsigned char *)"keywords",             { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable      copyright_notice = { (unsigned char *)"copyright-notice",     { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             copyright = { (unsigned char *)"copyright",            { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable          favicon_path = { (unsigned char *)"favicon-path",         { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable                  logo = { (unsigned char *)"logo",                 { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable              logo_alt = { (unsigned char *)"logo-alt",             { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             logo_link = { (unsigned char *)"logo-link",            { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             home_page = { (unsigned char *)"home-page",            { 0 }, DT_STRING };
  struct variable             snapshots = { (unsigned char *)"snapshots",            { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable        main_menu_logo = { (unsigned char *)"main-menu-logo",       { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable  syntax_highlight_css = { (unsigned char *)"syntax-highlight-css", { 0 }, DT_PATH   };
  struct variable *var = NULL;

  if( !repo ) return;

  var = lookup( repo, &css );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.css = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &owner );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.owner = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &author );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.author = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &title );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.title = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &description );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.description = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &keywords );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.keywords = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &copyright_notice );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.copyright_notice = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &copyright );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.copyright = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &favicon_path );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.favicon_path = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &logo );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.logo = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &logo_alt );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.logo_alt = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &logo_link );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.logo_link = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &home_page );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.home_page = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &snapshots );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.snapshots = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &main_menu_logo );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.main_menu_logo = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
  var = lookup( repo, &syntax_highlight_css );
  if( var )
    ctx.vars.syntax_highlight_css = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

static void ctx_promo_vars_from_repo( struct repo *repo )
  struct variable  analytic_links   = { (unsigned char *)"analytic-links",   { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  analytic_scripts = { (unsigned char *)"analytic-scripts", { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate           = { (unsigned char *)"donate",           { 0 }, DT_NUMERICAL };
  struct variable  donate_css       = { (unsigned char *)"donate-css",       { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate_html      = { (unsigned char *)"donate-html",      { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate_js        = { (unsigned char *)"donate-js",        { 0 }, DT_PATH      };
  struct variable  donate_header    = { (unsigned char *)"donate-header",    { 0 }, DT_STRING    };
  struct variable  donate_purpose   = { (unsigned char *)"donate-purpose",   { 0 }, DT_STRING    };
  struct variable *var = NULL;

    Analytics reads from global section only:
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &analytic_links );
  if( var )
    ctx.promo.analytic_links = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

    if( ctx.promo.analytic_links && *ctx.promo.analytic_links )
      struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
      char  *links = NULL;

      (void)read_http_root_raw_file( &buf, ctx.promo.analytic_links );

      links = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
      memcpy( (void *)links, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
      ctx.promo.analytic_links = (const char *)links;
      strbuf_release( &buf );
  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &analytic_scripts );
  if( var )
    ctx.promo.analytic_scripts = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

    if( ctx.promo.analytic_scripts && *ctx.promo.analytic_scripts )
      struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
      char  *scripts = NULL;

      (void)read_http_root_raw_file( &buf, ctx.promo.analytic_scripts );

      scripts = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
      memcpy( (void *)scripts, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
      ctx.promo.analytic_scripts = (const char *)scripts;
      strbuf_release( &buf );

  var = lookup( repo, &donate );
  if( var )
    if( var->type == DT_NUMERICAL )
      ctx.promo.donate = var->_v.val;
      if( ctx.promo.donate )
        ctx.promo.donate = 1;

  if( ctx.promo.donate )
    var = lookup( repo, &donate_css );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_css = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

      if( ctx.promo.donate_css && *ctx.promo.donate_css )
        struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
        char  *css = NULL;

        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\">", ctx.promo.donate_css );
        strbuf_trim( &buf );
        css = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
        memcpy( (void *)css, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
        ctx.promo.donate_css = (const char *)css;
        strbuf_release( &buf );
    var = lookup( repo, &donate_js );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_js = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

      if( ctx.promo.donate_js && *ctx.promo.donate_js )
        struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
        char  *js = NULL;

        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<script src=\"%s\"></script>", ctx.promo.donate_js );
        strbuf_trim( &buf );
        js = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
        memcpy( (void *)js, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
        ctx.promo.donate_js = (const char *)js;
        strbuf_release( &buf );
    var = lookup( repo, &donate_header );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_header = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
    var = lookup( repo, &donate_purpose );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_purpose = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;
    var = lookup( repo, &donate_html );
    if( var )
      ctx.promo.donate_html = (const char *)var->_v.vptr;

      if( ctx.promo.donate_html && *ctx.promo.donate_html )
        envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-header", ctx.promo.donate_header, fatal_html );
        envtab_install( &strbuf_envtab, "donate-purpose", ctx.promo.donate_purpose, fatal_html );
        envtab_release( &strbuf_envtab );

static char nrepos[11] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

static void ctx_num_of_repos( void )
  int32_t  num = repolist_length( config );
  num &= 0x7fffffff;
  if( num > 0 )
    snprintf( &nrepos[0], 11, "%d", num );
    ctx.vars.num_of_repos = &nrepos[0];

static void ctx_repolist_status_line( void )
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
  char    *nrepos_string = NULL;
  char    *status_line   = NULL;
  int32_t  num = 0;

  sscanf( ctx.vars.num_of_repos, "%d", &num );

  strbuf_addf( &buf, Q_("%d Subversion Repository", "%d Subversion Repositories", num), num );
  nrepos_string = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)nrepos_string, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &buf );

  buf.alloc = 0, buf.len = 0, buf.fatal = strbuf_fatal, buf.buf = strbuf_slopbuf;

  strbuf_addf( &buf, "<span class=\"las la-cloud-upload\"></span> %s\n", nrepos_string );
  if( ctx.promo.donate )
    strbuf_addf( &buf, "&nbsp; | <a class=\"donate\"><span class=\"icon las la-credit-card\"></span> Donate</a>\n" );

  status_line = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)status_line, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &buf );

  ctx.vars.status_line = (const char *)status_line;

static void ctx_repo_status_line( struct csvn_repository *rctx )
  struct strbuf buf      = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf commits  = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf branches = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf tags     = STRBUF_INIT;
  char  *status_line = NULL;

  if( !rctx ) return;

  strbuf_addf( &commits, Q_("%d Commit", "%d Commits", rctx->info.revision), rctx->info.revision );
  strbuf_addf( &branches, Q_("%d Branch", "%d Branches", rctx->nbranches), rctx->nbranches );
  strbuf_addf( &tags, Q_("%d Tag", "%d Tags", rctx->ntags), rctx->ntags );

  strbuf_addf( &buf, "<span class=\"las la-code-commit\"></span> %s &nbsp;\n", commits.buf );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "<span class=\"las la-code-branch\"></span> %s &nbsp;\n", branches.buf );
  strbuf_addf( &buf, "<span class=\"las la-tags\"></span> %s\n", tags.buf );
  if( ctx.promo.donate )
    strbuf_addf( &buf, "&nbsp; | <a class=\"donate\"><span class=\"icon las la-credit-card\"></span> Donate</a>\n" );

  strbuf_release( &commits );
  strbuf_release( &branches );
  strbuf_release( &tags );

  status_line = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)status_line, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &buf );

  ctx.vars.status_line = (const char *)status_line;

static void ctx_repolist_menu( void )
  struct strbuf mmenu = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf popup = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf right = STRBUF_INIT;

  char *main_menu  = NULL;
  char *popup_menu = NULL;
  char *right_menu = NULL;

  strbuf_addf( &mmenu, "<a href=\"/\">Index</a>\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &popup, "<div class=\"item\"><span class=\"icon las la-home\"></span><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Home page</a></div>\n", ctx.vars.home_page );
  strbuf_addf( &right, "<div class=\"item\"><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Home page</a></div>\n", ctx.vars.home_page );

  main_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)mmenu.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)main_menu, (const void *)mmenu.buf, mmenu.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &mmenu );
  ctx.vars.main_menu_item = (const char *)main_menu;

  popup_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)popup.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)popup_menu, (const void *)popup.buf, popup.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &popup );
  ctx.vars.popup_menu_items = (const char *)popup_menu;

  right_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)right.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)right_menu, (const void *)right.buf, right.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &right );
  ctx.vars.right_menu_items = (const char *)right_menu;

static void ctx_repo_menu( struct csvn_repository *rctx )
  struct strbuf mmenu = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf left  = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf popup = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct strbuf right = STRBUF_INIT;

  char *main_menu  = NULL;
  char *left_menu  = NULL;
  char *popup_menu = NULL;
  char *right_menu = NULL;

  if( !rctx ) return;

  strbuf_addf( &mmenu, "<a href=\"/\">Index</a>\n" );

  strbuf_addf( &left, "<div class=\"item\"><a href=\"/%s/%s/\">Trunk</a></div>\n", rctx->name, rctx->trunk );
  strbuf_addf( &left, "<div class=\"item\"><a href=\"/%s/%s/\">Branches</a></div>\n", rctx->name, rctx->branches );
  strbuf_addf( &left, "<div class=\"item\"><a href=\"/%s/%s/\">Tags</a></div>\n", rctx->name, rctx->tags );

  strbuf_addf( &popup, "<div class=\"item\"><span class=\"icon las la-road\"></span><a href=\"/%s/%s/\">Trunk</a></div>\n", rctx->name, rctx->trunk );
  strbuf_addf( &popup, "<div class=\"item\"><span class=\"icon las la-code-branch\"></span><a href=\"/%s/%s/\">Branches</a></div>\n", rctx->name, rctx->branches );
  strbuf_addf( &popup, "<div class=\"item\"><span class=\"icon las la-tags\"></span><a href=\"/%s/%s/\">Tags</a></div>\n", rctx->name, rctx->tags );
  strbuf_addf( &popup, "<div class=\"divider\"></div>\n" );
  strbuf_addf( &popup, "<div class=\"item\"><span class=\"icon las la-home\"></span><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Home page</a></div>\n", ctx.vars.home_page );

  strbuf_addf( &right, "<div class=\"item\"><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Home page</a></div>\n", ctx.vars.home_page );

  main_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)mmenu.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)main_menu, (const void *)mmenu.buf, mmenu.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &mmenu );
  ctx.vars.main_menu_item = (const char *)main_menu;

  left_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)left.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)left_menu, (const void *)left.buf, left.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &left );
  ctx.vars.left_menu_items = (const char *)left_menu;

  popup_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)popup.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)popup_menu, (const void *)popup.buf, popup.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &popup );
  ctx.vars.popup_menu_items = (const char *)popup_menu;

  right_menu = (char *)__sbrk( (int)right.len + 1 );
  memcpy( (void *)right_menu, (const void *)right.buf, right.len + 1 );
  strbuf_release( &right );
  ctx.vars.right_menu_items = (const char *)right_menu;

static void ctx_header_from_global( void )
  struct strbuf   buf  = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct variable head = { (unsigned char *)"header", { 0 }, DT_PATH }, *var = NULL;
  char  *pheader = NULL;

  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &head );
  strbuf_selfdir( &buf );

  if( var ) { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", (const char *)var->_v.vptr ); }
  else      { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", ctx.page.header );            }

  pheader = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  sprintf( pheader, "%s", buf.buf );
  strbuf_release( &buf );
  ctx.page.header = (const char *)pheader;

static void ctx_header_from_repo( struct repo *repo )
  struct strbuf   buf  = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct variable head = { (unsigned char *)"header", { 0 }, DT_PATH }, *var = NULL;
  char  *pheader = NULL;

  var = lookup( repo, &head );
  strbuf_selfdir( &buf );

  if( var ) { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", (const char *)var->_v.vptr ); }
  else      { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", ctx.page.header );            }

  pheader = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  sprintf( pheader, "%s", buf.buf );
  strbuf_release( &buf );
  ctx.page.header = (const char *)pheader;

static void ctx_footer_from_global( void )
  struct strbuf   buf  = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct variable foot = { (unsigned char *)"footer", { 0 }, DT_PATH }, *var = NULL;
  char  *pfooter = NULL;

  var = lookup_global( lookup_global_section( config ), &foot );
  strbuf_selfdir( &buf );

  if( var ) { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", (const char *)var->_v.vptr ); }
  else      { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", ctx.page.footer );            }

  pfooter = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  sprintf( pfooter, "%s", buf.buf );
  strbuf_release( &buf );
  ctx.page.footer = (const char *)pfooter;

static void ctx_footer_from_repo( struct repo *repo )
  struct strbuf   buf  = STRBUF_INIT;
  struct variable foot = { (unsigned char *)"footer", { 0 }, DT_PATH }, *var = NULL;
  char  *pfooter = NULL;

  var = lookup( repo, &foot );
  strbuf_selfdir( &buf );

  if( var ) { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", (const char *)var->_v.vptr ); }
  else      { strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s", ctx.page.footer );            }

  pfooter = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
  sprintf( pfooter, "%s", buf.buf );
  strbuf_release( &buf );
  ctx.page.footer = (const char *)pfooter;

static char name[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
static char repo_root[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
static char relative_path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };

static char try[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };

static struct repo *ctx_repo_name( void )
  struct repo *repo = NULL;
  char *s, *p = NULL, *n, *path, *path_info;
  int   len = 0;

  if( strcmp( "/", ctx.env.path_info ) )
    path_info = xstrdup( ctx.env.path_info );
    s = path_info;

    while( *s )
      while( *s && is_dir_sep( *s ) )
      n = p = s;

      while( *p && !is_dir_sep( *p ) )
      if( *p )
        *p = '\0'; s = ++p;

          The repo name can be given as a relative path in the git-root:
        if( repo_root[0] )
          sprintf( try, "%s", repo_root );
          strcat( try, "/" );
          strcat( try, n );
          sprintf( try, "%s", n );

        if( (repo = lookup_repo( config, try )) )
          sprintf( name, "%s", try );
            char *rr = strstr( repo_root, try );
            if( rr )
              *rr = '\0';
              repo_root[0] = '\0';
          if( repo_root[0] )
            strcat( repo_root, "/" );
          strcat( repo_root, n );
        s = p;

    ctx.repo.name = (const char *)&name[0];
    ctx.repo.repo_root = (const char *)&repo_root[0];

    path = p;

    if( *path )
      len = (int)strlen( path );

      if( path[len-1] =='/' ) { path[len-1] = '\0'; --len; }
      len += 1;

      sprintf( relative_path, "%s", path );
      ctx.repo.relative_path = (const char *)&relative_path[0];

    free( path_info );

  return repo;

  Get integer value of query parameter 'name' and remove this
  parameter 'name=..' from ctx.env.query_string.
int ctx_grab_int_query_param( const char *name )
  char *pofs = NULL, *query_string, *s = (char *)ctx.env.query_string;
  int   ret = 0, len = 0;

  if( !name || !*name ) return ret;

  if( s && *s && (pofs = strstr( s, name )) )
    char *rem, *p, *val = NULL;
    struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;

    p = pofs;

    /* move to end of 'ofs=val' declaration: */
    while( *p && *p != '&' && *p != '=' ) ++p;
    if( *p == '=' ) { val = ++p; while( *p && *p != '&' ) ++p; }
    if( *p ) { *p = '\0'; rem = ++p; }
      rem = p;
      if( s < pofs && (pofs[-1] == '&' || pofs[-1] == '=') ) --pofs;

    /* fill buffer: */
    while( s < pofs ) { strbuf_addch( &buf, *s ); ++s; }
    s = rem;
    while( *s ) { strbuf_addch( &buf, *s ); ++s; }
    strbuf_addch( &buf, '\0' );

    /* get value: */
    if( val && *val ) { ret = atoi( val ); }
    else              { ret = 0;           }

    len = (int)buf.len;
    query_string = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)query_string, (const void *)buf.buf, (size_t)len );
    strbuf_release( &buf );
    ctx.env.query_string = (const char *)query_string;

  return ret;

  Rmove parametr with specified 'name=...' fom query string and
  return modified query string allocated in context _mem[].
const char *ctx_remove_query_param( const char *query_string, const char *name )
  char *pofs = NULL, *query = NULL, *s = (char *)query_string;
  int len = 0;

  if( !name || !*name ) return (const char *)query;

  if( s && *s && (pofs = strstr( s, name )) )
    char *rem, *p;
    struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;

    p = pofs;

    /* move to end of 'ofs=val' declaration: */
    while( *p && *p != '&' && *p != '=' ) ++p;
    if( *p == '=' ) { while( *p && *p != '&' ) ++p; }
    if( *p ) { *p = '\0'; rem = ++p; }
      rem = p;
      if( s < pofs && (pofs[-1] == '&' || pofs[-1] == '=') ) --pofs;

    /* fill buffer: */
    while( s < pofs ) { strbuf_addch( &buf, *s ); ++s; }
    s = rem;
    while( *s ) { strbuf_addch( &buf, *s ); ++s; }
    strbuf_addch( &buf, '\0' );

    len = (int)buf.len;
    query = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)query, (const void *)buf.buf, (size_t)len );
    strbuf_release( &buf );
    return (const char *)query;

  return (const char *)query;

static void ctx_search_placeholder( void )
  struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
  char  *revision;
  int    len;

  if( !strcmp( ctx.vars.page_type, ptype_repo ) )
    if( ctx.query.rev )
      strbuf_addf( &buf, "%d", ctx.query.rev );
      strbuf_addf( &buf, "%d", ctx.repo.info.revision );

    len = (int)strlen( buf.buf ) + 1;
    revision = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)revision, (const void *)buf.buf, (size_t)len );
    strbuf_release( &buf );

    ctx.repo.search_placeholder = (const char *)revision;
    /* ctx.repo.search_placeholder = "HEAD"; */

static void ctx_relative_html( void )
  struct strbuf buf  = STRBUF_INIT;
  char  *relative_html;
  int    len;

  if( !strcmp( ctx.vars.page_type, ptype_repolist ) )
    if( ctx.env.http_host && *ctx.env.http_host )
      strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='base' href='/'>%s</a>/", ctx.env.http_host );
    else if( ctx.env.server_name && *ctx.env.server_name )
      strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='base' href='/'>%s</a>/", ctx.env.server_name );
  else if( !strcmp( ctx.vars.page_type, ptype_repo ) )
    if( ctx.repo.name && *ctx.repo.name && ctx.repo.info.kind != KIND_UNKNOWN  )
      if( ctx.repo.repo_root && *ctx.repo.repo_root )
        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='base' href='/%s/%s/'>%s/%s</a>/", ctx.repo.repo_root, ctx.repo.name, ctx.repo.repo_root, ctx.repo.name );
        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='base' href='/%s/'>%s</a>/", ctx.repo.name, ctx.repo.name );
    if( ctx.repo.relative_path && *ctx.repo.relative_path && ctx.repo.relative_info.kind != KIND_UNKNOWN )
      char   *p, *s, *rem;
      int     msize;
      char   *path, *href;
      size_t  length;

      length = strlen( ctx.repo.relative_path ) + 1;
      msize = (int)strlen(ctx.repo.name) + (int)strlen(ctx.repo.relative_path) + 4; /* '/' repo.name '/' relative_path '/' + '\0' */

      href = (char *)__sbrk( msize );
      sprintf( href, "/%s/", ctx.repo.name );

      path = (char *)__sbrk( msize );
      memcpy( (void *)path, (const void *)ctx.repo.relative_path, length );

      p = s = path;
      while( *p && !is_dir_sep( *p ) ) ++p;
      if( *p ) { *p = '\0'; rem = ++p; }
      else     { rem = p; }
      strcat( href, s ); strcat( href, "/" );

      if( !strcmp( s, ctx.repo.trunk )    ||
          !strcmp( s, ctx.repo.branches ) ||
          !strcmp( s, ctx.repo.tags )       )
        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='base' href='%s'>%s</a>/", href, s );
        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='relative' href='%s'>%s</a>/", href, s );

      s = rem;
      while( *s )
        p = s;
        while( *p && !is_dir_sep( *p ) ) ++p;
        if( *p ) { *p = '\0'; rem = ++p; }
        else     { rem = p; }
        strcat( href, s ); strcat( href, "/" );
        strbuf_addf( &buf, "<a class='relative' href='%s'>%s</a>/", href, s );
        s = rem;

      if( ctx.repo.relative_info.kind == KIND_FILE )
        strbuf_trim_trailing_dir_sep( &buf );

      ctx.repo.relative_href = (const char *)href;

      (void)__sbrk( - msize ); /* free ctx memory alocated for path only */

  len = (int)strlen( buf.buf ) + 1;
  relative_html = (char *)__sbrk( len );
  memcpy( (void *)relative_html, (const void *)buf.buf, (size_t)len );
  strbuf_release( &buf );
  ctx.repo.relative_html = (const char *)relative_html;

static void ctx_check_query_uri( int replace_query_string )
    Nginx passed QUERY_STRING for all cgi engines by: {fastcgi, scgi, uwsgi}_params.
    But PATH_INFO passed onlyfor UWSGI by uwsgi_params.
  if( !ctx.env.path_info && ctx.env.request_uri && *ctx.env.request_uri )
    char *path_info = NULL, *query_string = NULL;
    char *p, *path, *query = NULL;
    int   len;

    p = path = (char *)ctx.env.request_uri;

    while( *p && *p != '?' ) ++p;
    if( *p == '?' ) { *p = '\0'; query = ++p; }

    len = strlen( path ) + 1;
    path_info = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)path_info, (const void *)path, (size_t)len );
    ctx.env.path_info = (const char *)path_info;

    if( query && *query && replace_query_string )
      len = strlen( query ) + 1;
      query_string = (char *)__sbrk( len );
      memcpy( (void *)query_string, (const void *)query, (size_t)len );
      ctx.env.query_string = (const char *)query_string;

static void querystring_cb( const char *name, const char *value )
  char *val;
  int   len;

  if( !value )
    value = "";

  if( !strcmp( name, "rev" ) )
    len = (int)strlen( value ) + 1;
    val = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)val, (const void *)value, (size_t)len );
    ctx.query.revision = (const char *)val;
    if( !strcasecmp( val, "HEAD" ) )
      ctx.query.rev = 0;
      ctx.query.rev = atoi( val );
        If we will parse another string values of SVN revision such as
        'BASE', 'COMMITED', 'PREV' then we have to call http_parse_querystring()
        strongly after calling csvn_rpath_info() or ctx_relative_html() because
        the structs ctx.repo.info and ctx.repo.relative_info should be completed
        before parsing special SVN revision names.

        Revision at start of the date '{' DATE '}' we will not support.
  else if( !strcmp( name, "op" ) )
    len = (int)strlen( value ) + 1;
    val = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)val, (const void *)value, (size_t)len );
    ctx.query.operation = (const char *)val;
  else if( !strcmp( name, "search" ) )
    len = (int)strlen( value ) + 1;
    val = (char *)__sbrk( len );
    memcpy( (void *)val, (const void *)value, (size_t)len );
    ctx.query.search = (const char *)val;
  else if( another parameter )
  /* NOTE: Do not parse 'ofs=' parameter! */

void csvn_parse_query( void )
  char *path_info = NULL;


  ctx_check_query_uri( 1 );

  path_info = xstrdup( ctx.env.path_info );

  ctx.query.ofs = ctx_grab_int_query_param( "ofs" );

  if( path_info )
    if( !strcmp( "/", path_info ) )
      struct repo *repo = NULL;

      repo = ctx_repo_name();
      if( repo )
        ctx_page_size_from_repo( repo );
        ctx_repo_dirs_from_repo( repo );
        ctx_site_vars_from_repo( repo );
        ctx_promo_vars_from_repo( repo );
        ctx_header_from_repo( repo );
        ctx_footer_from_repo( repo );
        ctx.vars.page_type = ptype_repo;

        csvn_repo_info( &ctx.repo.info, 0 );
        if( ctx.repo.relative_path )
          csvn_rpath_info( &ctx.repo.relative_info, ctx.repo.relative_path, 0 );
          memcpy( (void *)&ctx.repo.relative_info, (const void *)&ctx.repo.info, sizeof( struct csvn_info ) );

        csvn_repo_branches_number( &ctx.repo );
        csvn_repo_tags_number( &ctx.repo );
        ctx_repo_status_line( &ctx.repo );
        ctx_repo_menu( &ctx.repo );

        ctx.page.status = 404;
        ctx.page.status_message = "Page not found";

        ctx.vars.title = "404";
          struct strbuf  buf = STRBUF_INIT;
          char  *stmsg = NULL;

            We slipped to the end of PATH_INFO when we were looking for a repository
            and now we printout the repo-root:
          strbuf_addf( &buf, "Subversion Repository '%s' not found.", ctx.repo.repo_root );
          stmsg = (char *)__sbrk( (int)buf.len + 1 );
          memcpy( (void *)stmsg, (const void *)buf.buf, buf.len + 1 );
          strbuf_release( &buf );
          ctx.vars.description = (const char *)stmsg;


    http_parse_querystring( ctx.env.query_string, querystring_cb );
    if( ctx.query.rev < 1 )
      (void)ctx_grab_int_query_param( "rev" );
      ctx.query.rev = 0;

    csvn_svn_version( &ctx.vers );
    csvn_nginx_version( &ctx.vers );

    free( path_info );